Friday, February 16, 2007

Almost Finished

My idea of the yearbook sales ad is going quite well, I am pretty excited. So far I have everything finished other than a taboo which is one of my tweens aren't working and i don't know why not it is supposed to go from little to big then spin two times up onto the center of the stage. Overall the movie looks smooth and interesting but it will be even better once i import the actual photo of the yearbook cover to put in the movie as a sneak peek of what our future buyers are going to be purchasing.
The program Flash been a journey to me, something that I have never done before but I am pretty excited of my banner and the actions that it has. The actions that i do have are pretty basic but I didn't want it to be to complex for my own good. Hopefully by the end of next week I can have the movie on my web page and my review is already finished and I can start the next project the Poster on Photoshop, my favorite.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Flash Ad Banner

Last week I started to design my flash ad banner which I am hoping to use as a advertising banner for yearbook sales for North Pole High. There is a "Look Through 2007" theme to the yearbook and I am going to continue that theme through out my banner design. The banner itself has a light burgundy color transparent boxes that are layered to give a "look through". The boxes show up one by one as the flash banner plays to make up the background. After all the boxes are shown the actual picture of the cover on the yearbook is going to appear and twirl down as a preview of what you are going to buy. Once the yearbook twirls down the words, "binding memories together..." will be next then that phrase will make a shape tween into "FOREVER!" Then, "buy yours before it is too late!" "$70 sold on Thursdays at both lunches!" This is my brief idea of what i hope the banner turns out to be.

Friday, February 9, 2007

First Opinion

This semester I decided to take a Multimedia class to further my education in Graphic Design and hopefully extend my knowledge in Photoshop. So far in the class we have put together a rough outline of a web page for our future projects. The first project that we have started which is a complete new program for me, as I am designing my own web page on Macromedia Dreamweaver. Designing a web page for me was really interesting and benefiting because it related a lot to yearbook design and layout. We briefly started to learn Photoshop but most of what we have learned I already know, but it does help me polish my skills with different tools in Photoshop. Overall the class has had its ups and downs on keeping my interest but I think that it will better my computer skills that I already retain and learn some new techniques on different programs.