Friday, February 16, 2007

Almost Finished

My idea of the yearbook sales ad is going quite well, I am pretty excited. So far I have everything finished other than a taboo which is one of my tweens aren't working and i don't know why not it is supposed to go from little to big then spin two times up onto the center of the stage. Overall the movie looks smooth and interesting but it will be even better once i import the actual photo of the yearbook cover to put in the movie as a sneak peek of what our future buyers are going to be purchasing.
The program Flash been a journey to me, something that I have never done before but I am pretty excited of my banner and the actions that it has. The actions that i do have are pretty basic but I didn't want it to be to complex for my own good. Hopefully by the end of next week I can have the movie on my web page and my review is already finished and I can start the next project the Poster on Photoshop, my favorite.

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