Monday, March 5, 2007

Dreadful Tutorials

For the past few days I have been doing the Photoshop tutorials. The tutorials are sort of boring most are techniques that I already knew how to use but some taught me how to use those tools in different ways and reasons. I really like Photoshop, it is probably my favorite so far out of Dreamweaver and Flash from the amount of times that i have to use it for yearbook. I am still not quite sure what I want to do for my poster, but i have some ideas. Some of my subject ideas are: University Fire Departmen and Risse Greenhouse. I am just about done with the tutorials I have I think, 3 more lessons then I can begin my poster design. This is going to be a hard time for me because I am leaving for Hawaii for the week after spring break so coming back I am going to be quite behind everyone else. Hopefully my current knowledge will help me be able to catch up with the rest of the class when I get back.

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