Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It Hit Me Square in the Head

Yesterday my boyfriend's mom was talking to me about making a new design for the football sweatshirts as she is the president of the Football Booster Club. After what she said I started thinking that maybe I could work on it for her as my logo project. I asked her if I could design one since I am just starting my logo project; she was ecstatic about the idea. She said that she was going to need it soon and I told her probably by the end of next week. I have free range on the logo and soon enough it will be worn by the North Pole Football Fans for the upcoming season. I am thinking something simple unlike the past years, something bold. With the different color of sweatshirts I know that I have to pick something universal so the colors are able to be changed to be seen. Overall I am really excited to design the new sweatshirt and have everybody wearing one!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Back and Bronze

I just returned to school from my 2 week vacation in Hawaii; it was so fun and warm unlike here. Before I left I finished my poster which was for the Risse Greenhouse and now they started the logo. Adobe Illustrator is a new program for me, but I bet it will have lots of neat new techniques for me to endeavour. I don't really have an idea on what I want to do logo design on so I am shooting in the dark right now. I am just starting the tutorials now to get a feel for the program and hopefully the won't be a drag like the others. Catching up is going to be a challenge in all my classes, but the trip was worth it.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Risse Greenhouse

Last summer I worked with my grandma up at Risse Greenhouse off of Chena Hot Springs Road; it was so much fun and the people up there really do love what they do, especially Lee Risse. I have known Lee ever since I was a little girl because my grandma has been with Lee for over 15 years. Unfortunately Lee has Lugares Disease and is not doing very well, so I decided to dedicated my poster project to his business of over 50 years. Lee has been brightening summers for many years and hopefully many more with his plentiful selection of flowers and vegetables. On my poster I have a background that is transparent of some of the different flowers found at Risse Greenhouse to add a colorful attraction. I used a painting technique to make my own fill design in the text the says "Risse Greenhouse" with a drop shadow, then "Brightening Summers for over 50 years" with a yellow outer glow, and towards the bottom of the page I have the phone number and location with a satin finish. I really hope that this poster that I design will bring back old memories and all the ones to come.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Dreadful Tutorials

For the past few days I have been doing the Photoshop tutorials. The tutorials are sort of boring most are techniques that I already knew how to use but some taught me how to use those tools in different ways and reasons. I really like Photoshop, it is probably my favorite so far out of Dreamweaver and Flash from the amount of times that i have to use it for yearbook. I am still not quite sure what I want to do for my poster, but i have some ideas. Some of my subject ideas are: University Fire Departmen and Risse Greenhouse. I am just about done with the tutorials I have I think, 3 more lessons then I can begin my poster design. This is going to be a hard time for me because I am leaving for Hawaii for the week after spring break so coming back I am going to be quite behind everyone else. Hopefully my current knowledge will help me be able to catch up with the rest of the class when I get back.